In July 2017 the Flemish government issued a decree in which the un-stunned/un-sedated slaughter of animals is prohibited making both Jewish and Muslim religious slaughter illegal. This is now being challenged in the European Court. In order to support this challenge, the ILF has applied to become an Amicus, a party that assists the court by offering information, expertise, or insight that has a bearing on the issues in the case.
The ILF has put together a broad coalition of legal and human rights groups, including Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and Jews, from all over the world so that we can put the best possible case together.
This is a crucial piece of work as, should this law take effect, it could affect the way of life of today’s European Jewry.
In further news, the United Nations General assembly on Eliminating Intolerance and Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief is compiling a report on discrimination against religion and religious practices. The ILF has compiled and sent a report on attempts to ban kosher slaughter in the EU and its implications for the future of Jewish and Muslim life in Europe.
To read the report please click here >>
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